Influence Of Holistic Well-Being Interventions On Job Performance

  • Sujesh S
  • Dr. S. Pragadeeswaran
Keywords: NLCIL Executives, Holistic Well-Being, Employee Engagement and Job Performance


Holistic well-being eventually leads an employee engagement towards job performance. Employee performance must maintain its primary position in organizational research for at least two reasons. Productivity growth is a key factor in stabilizing the economy through higher wages, improved living standards, and an increase in the availability of consumer goods. Hence, the research tries to identify the influence of holistic well-being interventions on job performance with respect to employee engagement. The research demonstrated that the Holistic well-being significantly influence employee engagement among NLCIL executives.  It is found that the Holistic well-being significantly influence job performance among NLCIL executives. The analysis identified that the employee engagement significantly influence job performance among NLCIL executives.  NLCIL management can use the results of this research to promote and support holistic well-being. Also, management should be encouraged to realize the value achieved through employee engagement. Focusing on holistic well-being and employee engagement can improve executives’ job performance. Holistic well-being can increase employee engagement and job performance of NLCIL executives.

Author Biographies

Sujesh S

Ph. D Research Scholar-Part Time [External], Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University.

Dr. S. Pragadeeswaran

Professor, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University.


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How to Cite
Sujesh S, & Dr. S. Pragadeeswaran. (2024). Influence Of Holistic Well-Being Interventions On Job Performance. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1962-1967.