Effect Of Six Weeks Aerobic Dance On Body Composition
Purpose: The main objective of the study was to determine the effect of 6 weeks of aerobic dance on Tribal Men of Arunachal Pradesh. Methods:To find out what physical changes the indigenous men of Arunachal Pradesh experience following six weeks of aerobic exercise, a total of 24 male volunteers were chosen. The subjects ranged in age from 21 to 25 years old. Body mass index and skinfold thickness were the factors chosen. For the present study pre- and post-test randomized group designs which consisted of a control group and an experimental group was used to find out the effects of aerobic dance on indigenous men of Arunachal Pradesh. The experimental groups underwent aerobic dance lessons five days a week for six weeks. The pre-test and post-test measurements for both the experimental and control group were taken before and after the aerobic dance interventions. The collected data was evaluated using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The proposed hypothesis was tested at a value of 0.05 for statistical significance. Findings: The present study showed a significance difference in the body mass index and the skinfold thickness after six weeks of aerobic dance programme.
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