Smarter Public Relations with Artificial Intelligence: Leveraging Technology for Effective Communication Strategies and Reputation Management- A Qualitative Analysis
Public Relations, brand managing, reputation management are one of the most important factors for any corporate. In this digital era analysing public sentiments, evaluating contents according to public opinion are crucial to deliver the perfect material to the public. Artificial Intelligence as a discipline is emerging in nature. The pressing question at the moment is the how these modern days tools affect the ethics and morals and are they aligning the values of the corporate?
The PR industry has been affected by the intersection of technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence, data science, and Machine Learning. It explores how these emerging technologies reshape PR practices across traditional and digital media platforms. The study aims to discern the key trends shaping the global PR world, analyse the impact of technological advancements and cultural changes on PR strategies, and underscore the importance of upholding ethical standards in the era of technology integration. Through thoroughly examining these elements, the research outlines priorities for the PR sector, offering insights into how professionals can effectively harness AI for innovation and uphold ethical principles in digital Communication.
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