Tax Literacy And Investment Preference Among Young Working People With Reference To Coimbatore City

  • Dr. Sam Jayachandran
Keywords: Tax Literacy, Investment Preferences, Tax-Saving Avenues and Financial Decision-Making


The study explores the impact of tax literacy on investment preferences among young working individuals in Coimbatore city. Tax literacy encompasses an understanding of tax-related concepts, regulations, and their effects on personal finances. The research investigates the relationship between tax literacy and investment choices, with a specific focus on tax-saving avenues. A mixed-method approach was used, incorporating both primary and secondary data, with respondents surveyed using structured questionnaires. Key findings show a significant relationship between age, gender, and factors influencing tax-saving behavior. The study concludes that individuals with higher tax literacy make more informed investment decisions, optimizing their after-tax returns. The results highlight the need for increased tax literacy education to enhance financial well-being and guide individuals in making more strategic investment choices.

Author Biography

Dr. Sam Jayachandran

Associate Professor, Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.


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How to Cite
Dr. Sam Jayachandran. (2024). Tax Literacy And Investment Preference Among Young Working People With Reference To Coimbatore City. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1885-1888.