Fabric Defect Detection: A Novel Approach Using Hybrid Deep Learning and Image Segmentation

  • Khan M. A.
  • Sayyed Ajij. D
  • Mazher Khan
Keywords: Fabric defects, Image analysis, Convolutional Neural Networks


Abstract: Fabric defects significantly impact the textile industry, leading to production delays, material waste, and customer dissatisfaction. Existing image processing methods for fabric defect detection often struggle with complex defect patterns or require extensive training data for specific defect types. This paper proposes a novel approach that combines deep learning and image segmentation techniques for robust and adaptable fabric defect detection. This hybrid approach leverages the power of deep learning for feature extraction and image segmentation for precise defect localization.

Author Biographies

Khan M. A.

Research Scholar Dr. BAMU, CSN (Aurangabad)

Sayyed Ajij. D

Department of ECE, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, CSN (Aurangabad)

Mazher Khan

Department of ECE, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, CSN (Aurangabad)


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How to Cite
Khan M. A., Sayyed Ajij. D, & Mazher Khan. (1). Fabric Defect Detection: A Novel Approach Using Hybrid Deep Learning and Image Segmentation. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1822- 1828. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.1020