Study of Disparity in Urban-Rural Literacy in West Bengal, India: A District-Level Analysis

  • Srabanti Ghosh
Keywords: Rural Literacy, Urban Literacy, Literacy Differential Index, Correlation analysis


Educational attainment is the most important step for enhancing quality of life, raising awareness, and developing skills within society. Higher literacy and education levels positively influence different sectors of development. The present study attempts to analyze the pattern of urban rural literacy and its differentials in the districts of West Bengal, India. The temporal trend of literacy, considered from 1971- 2011 shows gradual increasing rate of urban and rural literacy and narrowing down of the differential. The study also investigates the spatial pattern of urban rural literacy along with its differential at district level. It has been observed that differential index of urban rural literacy is higher in the northern and western districts and comparatively lower in the southern districts nearer to Kolkata metropolis. Sixteen independent variables have been selected and correlation with differential index has been determined. Out of sixteen variables six are significant at 99% level of confidence in their relationship with urban rural differential index, whereas, two variables are significantly correlated at 95% level of confidence.

Author Biography

Srabanti Ghosh

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Mankar College, Mankar, West Bengal, India


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How to Cite
Srabanti Ghosh. (2024). Study of Disparity in Urban-Rural Literacy in West Bengal, India: A District-Level Analysis. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1804-1814.