Assessment Of Knowledge And Awareness In Patients Consuming Cardiovascular Drugs In Region Of Dehradun

  • Chiranjeeva kandpal
  • Vishwadeepak Kimoti
  • Meenakshi Bhatt
  • Km Babita
  • Nisha Rawat
  • Ankita Pokhriyal


Since the early 20th century, cardiovascular disease has been the world's leading cause of mortality rates. The prevalence of cardiovascular death is decreasing due to advancements in both prevention and treatment. Still, there are inconsistencies in care that have a disastrous effect on Indian communities. North Indian continue to have a higher CVD than other racial and ethnic groups in India, despite an overall even decrease and preventable, the cardiac disease and deaths due to strokes, and in hypertension. Despite equal accessibility to care, disparities in care still exist and may continue. Reducing healthcare bias, expanding patient access, and fostering greater diversity and inclusion in the medical community are all necessary steps toward addressing inequities. It was profound that by assessment intervention these risks can be reduced, proper info and then good assessment can minimize the prevalences in cardiovascular deaths.

Author Biographies

Chiranjeeva kandpal

Himalayan institute of pharmacy and research, Dehradun

Vishwadeepak Kimoti

Himalayan institute of pharmacy and research, Dehradun

Meenakshi Bhatt

GRD (PG) Institute of Management and Technology, Dehradun

Km Babita

GRD (PG) Institute of Management and Technology, Dehradun

Nisha Rawat

GRD (PG) Institute of Management and Technology, Dehradun

Ankita Pokhriyal

GRD (PG) Institute of Management and Technology, Dehradun


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How to Cite
Chiranjeeva kandpal, Vishwadeepak Kimoti, Meenakshi Bhatt, Km Babita, Nisha Rawat, & Ankita Pokhriyal. (2024). Assessment Of Knowledge And Awareness In Patients Consuming Cardiovascular Drugs In Region Of Dehradun. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 1779-1791.