A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Self Instructional Module On Reverse Pressure Softening Technique On The Level Of Breast Engorgement And Breastfeeding Among Postnatal Mothers In Selected Hospitals At Bhopal (M.P.).
Breast engorgement and nipple discomfort are the most frequent breastfeeding issues because of inexperience and poor breastfeeding technique. Such issues negatively impact breastfeeding's success and continuation. In this study, breast massage was used as an intervention to lessen breast engorgement. Quasi Experimental research design is used with one group pretest and posttest research design was used. A total of 30 postnatal mothers were included in the study. Demographic data, breast engorgement and pain assessment scale and LATCH breast feeding assessment scale was used. The study clearly indicates a considerable reduction in breast engorgement indicating that reverse pressure softening technique is effective in reducing engorgement and initiation of breast feeding
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