Secure User Identification Using Visual Cryptography And Encryption Techniques

  • Prof. Pramod G. Patil
  • Prof. Anmol S. Budhewar
  • Prof. Dr. Naresh C. Thoutam
  • Prof. Pradeep A. Patil
  • Prof. Jayashri D. Bhoj
  • Arvind B Sonawane
Keywords: Visual secret sharing (VSS), Visual cryptography (VC), Random grid (RG), Visual cryptography visual secret sharing (VCVSS), Random grid Visual secret sharing (RGVSS)


This paper proposes a novel approach for user identification using visual cryptography, leveraging various schemes such as visual secret sharing and halftone schemes. User identifying data is divided into meaningful and meaningless shares, which can be merged to reveal the original content. To enhance security, encryption techniques are employed to conceal the data content, retrievable via decryption. User identification is based on the hidden data content within the shares. One share is stored on the server side while the other is with the user. During authentication, one share is displayed to the user from the server, matched with the user's share. This method ensures secure and unique user identification while preserving data confidentiality. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through experimental evaluation against various encryption and visual cryptography techniques.

Author Biographies

Prof. Pramod G. Patil

Department of Computer Engineering Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre Nashik


Prof. Anmol S. Budhewar

Department of Computer Engineering Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre Nashik


Prof. Dr. Naresh C. Thoutam

Department of Computer Engineering Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre Nashik


Prof. Pradeep A. Patil

Department of Computer Engineering Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre Nashik


Prof. Jayashri D. Bhoj

Department of Computer Engineering Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre Nashik


Arvind B Sonawane

Department of Computer Engineering Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre Nashik



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How to Cite
Prof. Pramod G. Patil, Prof. Anmol S. Budhewar, Prof. Dr. Naresh C. Thoutam, Prof. Pradeep A. Patil, Prof. Jayashri D. Bhoj, & Arvind B Sonawane. (2024). Secure User Identification Using Visual Cryptography And Encryption Techniques. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 575-579. Retrieved from