Impact Of Presenteeism On Work Performance In Selected Chemical Industries, Cuddalore

Keywords: Presenteeism, Employees, Chemical Industries, Work Performance, Absenteeism.


Leaders in organizations have always been concerned about employee absences, but if they focus too much on attendance, they may overlook presenteeism, which is much more of a productivity killer. Although it is less common than absenteeism, this workplace phenomenon—which happens when workers arrive at work feeling ill, exhausted, or hurt—may be even more detrimental to output, workplace culture, and worker health, according to some experts. The researcher conducted a study on presenteeism and its associated characteristics among a subset of employees from certain chemical firms located in Cuddalore. Our study's qualitative design included 120 individuals. The spss analysis was used to examine the transcribed data. The results of this study provide important insights into the notions and factors that lead to presenteeism, as well as important recommendations for the larger population of chemical industry workers who want to raise the standard of care.

Author Biographies


Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University


Research Supervisor, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University


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How to Cite
NITHIYA.R, & Dr. SUBASHINI G.S. (2024). Impact Of Presenteeism On Work Performance In Selected Chemical Industries, Cuddalore. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 509-516. Retrieved from