Impact Of Social Networking Sites On Skills Enhancement Among Youths

  • Mrs A Ruth Priya
  • Dr V Vasikar
Keywords: Social Media, Social Networking Sites, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, Skills Enhancement


Life without Social Media Sites namely Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter and LinkedIn and other social handles is beyond imagination. The Social Networking Sites are extensively used by new generation youths in India. This Culture of Social Networking is commonly accepted in this digital age. The objective of this paper is an attempt to investigate the impact of social networking on the skills enhancement among youths in Chennai. Youths have been taken as target audience for this research study because they contribute significantly to the skill development of a country.The reason for selecting youth as the target audience is because the direction of a country and culture is decided by the direction taken by youths of that country. Fifty six youths were chosen at random from among the Undergraduate Level, Postgraduate Level and Entry Level Executives in Chennai. A survey was conducted among the youths using a Likert Scale Questionnaire and the collected data was analysed using descriptive statistics. It is clearly evident that many youths utilise Social Media Sites to improve their reading, writing, team building, communication, organizing and interpersonal skills. They also use it for learning a new language, research and for developing a portfolio for future employment.

Author Biographies

Mrs A Ruth Priya

Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Chidambaram



Dr V Vasikar

Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai  University, Chidambaram


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How to Cite
Mrs A Ruth Priya, & Dr V Vasikar. (2024). Impact Of Social Networking Sites On Skills Enhancement Among Youths. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 426 - 433. Retrieved from