Behavioral Intention Of Self Help Group Women Towards The Utilisation Of Sst Tools In Cuddalore District

  • G. Agalya
  • K. Tamizhjyothi
Keywords: Self-Governed, savings, credit activities, Behavior


The present study aimed to study the factors determining Self Help Group Women towards the adoption of Self service technologies. Self-Help Group refers to self-governed, peer controlled small and informal association of the peer usually from socio- economically homogeneous families who are organized around savings and credit activities. The main objective is to identify the influencing factors to determine the behavior of the SHG women to use Self Service Technologies. The research methodology applied is descriptive. The data was collected through well-structured questionnaires. The Sample size of the study was 110. Collected primary data was analyzed and interpreted with statistical tools. Major findings were listed and conclusion has been made with suggestions based on the findings.

Author Biographies

G. Agalya

Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University,



K. Tamizhjyothi

Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Dharmapuram Gnanambigai Govt. Arts College, Mayiladuthurai, Tamil Nadu, INDIA


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How to Cite
G. Agalya, & K. Tamizhjyothi. (2024). Behavioral Intention Of Self Help Group Women Towards The Utilisation Of Sst Tools In Cuddalore District. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 377 - 381. Retrieved from