Role Of Databases In Sport Science: Current Applications And Future Prospects: A Review
An influential aid in the realm of sports science could be databases that include all the features needed to record, organize, retrieve, integrate, analyse, interpret, report, and share data on all aspects of sports and games. Collecting, storing, accessing, retrieving, and integrating information is a must for the successful evaluation of the performance of players and making decisions. The majority of the other technologies employed in the field of sports science should have databases as their essential basis. This is due to the fact that databases provide the framework and accessibility to the data that drives most of the other uses. A database's worth grows and the role it plays in system design takes centre stage as a result of more integrated resource development. Some of these capabilities include the ability to access past data to compare it to current performance and the utilization of data to highlight important concerns that need to be addressed. On top of that, databases can be great places to keep all sorts of sports-related content. Human mobility is the defining feature of sport. One way to measure this is by using numerical data, photographs, or audio/video recordings. Here, multimedia resources really shine, especially when combined with innovative user interfaces that provide relevant, up-to-date information in a way that caters to each person's unique needs. The goal of this research is to provide a detailed description of databases and their roles in sports science, covering topics such as design considerations, integration difficulties, examples, and possible future uses.
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