Recent Advances in Intervention for Improving Handwriting: A Narrative Review

  • Kaaynat Khan
  • Dr Munish Kumar Kakkar
  • Dr. Surendra Kumar Meena
Keywords: Curriculum, Dysgraphia, Telehealth


INTRODUCTION: Handwriting and related fine motor problems are primary reason for referral to occupational therapy, particularly in the school setting. Different types of intervention are been used to improve handwriting.

OBJECTIVES: The primary purpose of this literature review is to list out recent trends in the treatment approaches being used for children with handwriting.

METHOD:  A broad search was undertaken to identify relevant studies for this review. PubMed, EBSCOhost (including Academic Search Premier), CINAHL Plus With Full Text, Education, ERIC, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Social Sciences, SocINDEX with full text, and OTseeker were included if they were published between 2013 and 2023, written in English, involving human participants, and were related to intervention of handwriting skill acquisition.

RESULT:  Occupational therapists employ a range of strategies during intervention, including therapeutic practice, sensorimotor techniques, and practice with iPad apps. Curriculum based Handwriting programs have found to be effective with Occupational Therapist Guided Remediation. The use of telehealth-delivered handwriting therapies can increase handwriting speed; however, more study is needed to evaluate whether this modality also enhances handwriting quality and spelling. Adaptive techniques are also used to improve handwriting. Collaboration with other professional and parents have also shown positive outcomes.

CONCLUSION: The support of parents, teachers and group in incorporating various techniques are crucial along with handwriting intervention. The role of technology is still emergent and requires more exploration in its role in improving handwriting.

Author Biographies

Kaaynat Khan

PhD scholar, Mahatma Gandhi Occupational Therapy College

Dr Munish Kumar Kakkar

Professor and Head of the Department of Pediatrics, Mahatma Gandhi University of medical sciences and Technology

Dr. Surendra Kumar Meena

Principal, Mahatma Gandhi Occupational Therapy College


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How to Cite
Kaaynat Khan, Dr Munish Kumar Kakkar, & Dr. Surendra Kumar Meena. (1). Recent Advances in Intervention for Improving Handwriting: A Narrative Review. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 339-346. Retrieved from