“Safety And Efficacy Of Cisplatin Combined With Chemoradiotherapy In Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer Patients in Tertiary Care Hospital”

  • Seemu Singh
  • Sulekha
  • Sonam Chaturvedi
  • Pratibha Bhide
  • Ankita Tiwari
Keywords: Cervical cancer, Cisplatin & Squamous cell carcinoma, Chemoradiotherapy


Background: The number of cases of cervical cancer has increased in India during the previous year. Cervical cancer is a disease that causes morbidity and mortality worldwide. Cervical cancer patients progressed daily as a result of inadequate knowledge about the illness. Therefore, patient education is essential for both cervical cancer treatment and prevention. This research was done to find out if patients knew about the benefits and safety of combination chemotherapy and radiation therapy, or if they had any excuses for not getting their cervical cancer screened.


  1. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of cisplatin in conjunction with radiation and chemotherapy for females suffering from locally advanced cervical cancer.
  2. To investigate the early outcome of cisplatin combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cervical cancer patients.

Method: The study ran from October 2023 to April 2024 over the course of 7 month. There are a total number of 100 samples based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, patient data were collected. The quality of the data was evaluated by doing a database search for the safety and efficacy of cisplatin with chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer in Bihar using a questionnaire methodology.

Statistical analysis: All the data were recorded and analyzed. Statistics were carried out using SPSS software.

Results: This study involved 100 individuals in total. There are now 45 cases of people with cervical cancer. Twenty cases were eliminated from the study, leaving the remaining 25 cases eligible for inclusion based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of the trial showed that cisplatin and chemoradiotherapy are a safe and efficient combination for treating locally advanced cervical cancer.

Conclusion: Our study's results indicate that cisplatin in combination with radiation and chemotherapy is a tolerated and potentially better choice for treating patients with locally advanced cervical cancer. For the treatment of locally advanced cervical cancer, cisplatin and chemoradiotherapy may be given at the same time.

Author Biographies

Seemu Singh

Assistant Professor, SAIP of Pharmacy, Indore (M.P.)


Swami Devi Dyal Institute of Pharmacy, Panchkula, Haryana

Sonam Chaturvedi

Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy, Indore (M.P.)

Pratibha Bhide

Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy, Indore (M.P.)

Ankita Tiwari

Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy, Indore (M.P.)


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How to Cite
Seemu Singh, Sulekha, Sonam Chaturvedi, Pratibha Bhide, & Ankita Tiwari. (2024). “Safety And Efficacy Of Cisplatin Combined With Chemoradiotherapy In Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer Patients in Tertiary Care Hospital”. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 186-195. Retrieved from https://www.veterinaria.org/index.php/REDVET/article/view/597