Molecular Interaction Of Potassium Salts In Aqueous And Alcoholic Solution At 298K

  • S. P. Burad
  • A. B. Dhote
Keywords: Potassium aqueous solution, Potassium alcoholic solution Ultrasonic, acoustic parameter Molecular interaction.


The Ultrasonic velocity measurement technique created a great impact on measuring thermodynamic parameters of materials and evaluating the molecular interactions taken place between dissolved substances and solvent molecules. More often, by employing the ultrasound waves and determining the velocity through the solutions, values of internal energy, enthalpy, free energy, and entropy of those solutions can be estimated. In addition, the variation in the ultrasonic velocity can predict the solute-solvent interactions at the molecular level as well as the extent of the same. This makes the possibility to draw some conclusions about the structures and behaviors of dissolved species in the given solvent conditions. The density, velocity, and viscosity of potassium salt KCl in water and ethanol as solvent are measured in the present investigation at 298 K of different concentrations. Experimental data are used to calculate different acoustic parameters to investigate the molecular relationship of potassium in aqueous and alcoholic solutions.

Author Biographies

S. P. Burad

Nilkanthrao Shinde Science & Arts College, Bhadrawati

A. B. Dhote

Nilkanthrao Shinde Science & Arts College, Bhadrawati


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How to Cite
S. P. Burad, & A. B. Dhote. (2024). Molecular Interaction Of Potassium Salts In Aqueous And Alcoholic Solution At 298K. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 1646-1650.