Assessement Of Physico-Chemical Properties Of Machkund Pond Water Of Dholpur City (Rajasthan) During Winter Season.

  • K.K. Upadhyay
  • Rohitash Singh Gurjar
  • B.L. Gupta
  • L.M Gupta
  • M.K Singh
  • Ms. Hemadri Kaushik
  • Ms. Prachi Sharma
Keywords: .


The water is perhaps the most previous natural resource after air. Though the surface of earth is mostly consists of water only a small part of it is usable. The water can be defined as the chemical, physical, biological characteristics of  water .This study is give us the valuable information for the properties of water quality parameters like pH, TDS, Colour, TSS, Chlorides etc. here we collected two different sides samples from Machkund pond water. Then we analyze these two samples in the lab. We check the water quality and pH, temperature, colour, taste, electrical conductivity (EC), Total alkalinity (TA), Total hardness (TH), Total dissolved solids (TDS), Total suspended solids (TSS), Chlorides, dissolved oxygen (DO), Biological oxygen demand (BOD) , free co2. After the testing we found the water is good for human beings for his health and other things.

Author Biographies

K.K. Upadhyay

Department of Chemistry, Kamla. P.G. College. Dholpur (Rajasthan). INDIA

Rohitash Singh Gurjar

Department of Chemistry, Kamla. P.G. College. Dholpur (Rajasthan). INDIA

B.L. Gupta

Govt. Engg College Dholpur, Rajasthan-India

L.M Gupta

Govt. Engg College Dholpur, Rajasthan-India

M.K Singh

Govt. College Bari, Dholpur (Rajasthan) - India

Ms. Hemadri Kaushik

Department of Chemistry, Kamla. P.G. College. Dholpur (Rajasthan). INDIA

Ms. Prachi Sharma

Department of Chemistry, Kamla. P.G. College. Dholpur (Rajasthan). INDIA


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How to Cite
K.K. Upadhyay, Rohitash Singh Gurjar, B.L. Gupta, L.M Gupta, M.K Singh, Ms. Hemadri Kaushik, & Ms. Prachi Sharma. (2024). Assessement Of Physico-Chemical Properties Of Machkund Pond Water Of Dholpur City (Rajasthan) During Winter Season. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 1611-1613.