An analytical study of abnormal uterine bleeding in women of child bearing age group

  • Dr. Radhika Parmar
  • Dr. Aditi Atodaria
  • Dr. Tulsi Patel
  • Dr. Kishor Chauhan
Keywords: .


AUB is defined as any variation from the normal menstrual cycle. It includes alteration in its frequency, regularity of menses, duration of flow and amount of blood loss AUB can further be divided based on regularity, volume, frequency, duration, chronicity and timing in relation to the reproductive status.

In India, the reported prevalence of AUB is 17.9%. It can occur any time between menarche to menopause.

A good clinician tries to recognize and identify the causative factors responsible for the disease, reverse the abnormality and induce or restore the cyclic predictable menses which should have normal volume and duration.


SOURCE OF DATA: 200 cases of AUB were taken for our study from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, in our institute between November 2017 to May 2019. Patients coming in the O.P.D. or the ones that were admitted in the Gynecology ward for the complaints of AUB, fitting the selection criteria were included in the study.



Women aged 15-45 yrs.

Cases of Abnormal uterine bleeding, attending the gynecology OPD with complaints of heavy menstrual bleeding, heavy and frequent bleeding, frequent bleeding, infrequent bleeding


Pregnancy and related complications. Women with normal menstrual cycles

Women taking drugs like anticoagulants, glucocorticoids or tamoxifen, which can cause abnormal uterine bleeding

Women with Pelvic inflammatory diseases Women who have IUD inserted.


After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 200 cases were selected for my study. A/B is more common in the age group 41-45 years, suggesting it is more towards the perimenopausal age group. It is seen more in multiparous women and women with previous surgeries on uterus and adnexa. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding is the most common complaint. Endometrial Hyperplasia was the most common finding on ultrasound examination. Medical therapy was beneficial in some patients, rest had to undergo surgical intervention later. Hysterectomy is used as a final measure. Vaginal Hysterectomy is preferred.


It is observed that AUB is more common towards the end of 4th decade of life, in the peri-menopausal age group, that too more in multiparous women. Surgical intervention on the uterus and adnexa are also associated with AUB.Heavy Menstrual Bleeding is the most common presenting complaint. Clinical examination correlates well with the ultrasound findings, however, transvaginal sonography is very accurate in assessing the endometrium as well as uterus and adnexa and diagnosing their abnormalities.

Medical Therapy is still the first line of management in most cases which includes progestogens, combined oral contraceptive pills or a combination of tranexamic acid and mefenamic acid.

Dilatation and Curettage still holds a role in diagnosis and has therapeutic effect as well. But should be used along with hysteroscopy for better results. LNG-IUS gives very good result in suitable cases.

Hysterectomy is the final measure if everything else fails. Vaginal hysterectomy is preferred wherever possible.

Author Biographies

Dr. Radhika Parmar

M.D (Obstetrics and gynecology ), AssociProfessor, Department of obstetrics and gynecology , Smt.B.K.Shah Medical Institute & Research Centre, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be university, waghodia, Vadodara. District 391760, Contribution: Concept, Planning, Literature review, Manuscript preparation.

Dr. Aditi Atodaria

second year Resident doctor (obstetrics and gynecology) , Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Smt.B.K.Shah Medical Institute & Research Centre, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be university, waghodia, Vadodara. District 391760, Contribution: Data Collection.

Dr. Tulsi Patel

Second year Resident doctor (obstetrics and gynecology) , Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Smt.B.K.Shah Medical Institute & Research Centre, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be university, waghodia, Vadodara. District 391760,  Contribution: Data Collection.

Dr. Kishor Chauhan

M.D (Obstetrics and gynecology ), Professor and head of Department, Department of obstetrics and gynecology , Smt.B.K.Shah Medical Institute & Research Centre, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be university, waghodia, Vadodara. District 391760,  Contribution: Literature review and Data Collection.


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How to Cite
Dr. Radhika Parmar, Dr. Aditi Atodaria, Dr. Tulsi Patel, & Dr. Kishor Chauhan. (2024). An analytical study of abnormal uterine bleeding in women of child bearing age group. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 1570-1578.