Text Neck Syndrome: A Modern Era Health Concern
Background: The "text neck syndrome" is becoming an increasingly prevalent syndrome in the 21st century. This medical term describes the development of cervical spinal degeneration that happens as a result of prolonged forward head flexion while using a mobile device or while "texting" for extended periods of time. The objective of the study is to assess the level of neck disability among students studying at selected educational institute of Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
Material and method: A pilot study of purposive sampling among 20 students to confirm the feasibility and acceptability of the study. Data were collected using demographic profile, likert scale questionnaire based on objective hypothesis to be treated using frequency descriptive and interferential statistics using spss 28.
Results: Majority of participants were <20 years (70.0%), predominantly female (83.0%), and undergraduates (91.0%), with most (60.0%) of subjects were day-scholar, (65.0%) of the participants have no neck disability and (35.0%) of them have disability. no significant association (p>0.05) found between the level of neck disability with selected demographic variables among participants except for Mother occupational status (p<0.05).
Conclusion: This study highlights the prevalence of text neck syndrome, showing a link between excessive smartphone use and neck pain or disability. Significant associations were found with age, gender, educational status, and co-morbidities, underlining the need for awareness efforts, including physical therapy, stretching, and proper neck pain assessment to prevent text neck syndrome.
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