Acoustic Analysis of Clindamycin Aqueous Solution at Various Temperatures and different Concentrations

  • Shrirame S.H
  • Dhote A.B
Keywords: Ultrasonic velocity, Clindamycin, concentration, temperature, molecular interactions


These days, knowledge of interactions between molecules in solution is mostly dependent on ultrasonic velocity. Drugs are substances that have been utilized to treat medical conditions. Clindamycin is one medication that fights malaria. We measured the density, viscosity, and ultrasonic velocity of the aqueous solution at different temperatures and concentrations. The thermodynamic properties, such as Relative association Specific Relaxation time, were calculated using the experiment data. This assists in the predicting of chemical interactions.

Author Biographies

Shrirame S.H

Chemistry Department, N S Sceience and Arts College, Bhadrawati Dist- Chandrapur.

Dhote A.B

Chemistry Department, N S Sceience and Arts College, Bhadrawati Dist- Chandrapur.


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How to Cite
Shrirame S.H, & Dhote A.B. (2024). Acoustic Analysis of Clindamycin Aqueous Solution at Various Temperatures and different Concentrations. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 1542 - 1546.