A Comparative Study On Stress And Soft Skills Competencies Of Senior Secondary Students Of Faridabad Schools
It has been observed nowadays in the face of an uncertain future the students of senior secondary school of grade 11th and 12th start feeling burdened while pursuing their studies and consequently lose their concentration. Therefore there is strong need to identify the reasons which make them lose their focus on studies and drift them from their cherished goals. Research on the factors behind their disinterest, passiveness, de-motivation and disheartenment is very limited. The main objective of this quantitative study to explore at what extend soft skills help the students of senior school Faridabad city of Haryana in Northern India to overcome undue academic and familial stress at their most critical stage of development.
Non-probability stratified sampling technique has been used employing five point Liker Scale ranging most disagreeable to strong agreeable . Data was collected through a questionnaire filled by the students on the volunteer basis from different private and Govt schools of grade 11th and 12th both male and female .it was analyzed through linear regression model, correlation analysis (Pearson coefficient of correlation), ANOVA and t test. The study found that academic pressure was identified as a major stressor. Females showed higher levels of stress along with great competence in soft skills. Govt School students, especially males, need interventions to enhance their emotional intelligence, soft skills to cope undue stress. Regular programmers led by counselors and mentors on stress management, emotional integration, time management and other life skills need to undertaken which can equip students with effective coping strategies .The study validates previous studies to take appropriate steps to reduce stress on the students by incorporating Soft Skills in school curriculum and strive to have actionable blueprint for education leaders to drive policies and program transforming schools into springs of holistic youth empowerment .This research found a strong need to train youth to the challenges of future. Soft skills are needed in 21st century (Doyal ,2017).
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