An Investigation Of Fantasy Of Future And Mystery Of Future In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451
This paper analyses Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 in views of fantasy of future and mystery of future. It is a novel about futuristic technology and book burning, but it is also about a revolted writer named Montage and his passion for reading and writing that spans a lifetime. It tells the tale of an investigation that results in the destruction of all written materials and subtly addresses the growing menace of censorship in modern-day America. It also concludes that appearances can be deceiving. He conveys the stress in Montage and his wife’s relationship, as well as the mental telepathy in Fahrenheit 451. In terms of freedom, morality, and the pursuit of truth, it serves as a mirror for today’s society. It salutes individuals who devote their lives to the preservation and dissemination of information and issues a warning to readers in the future. It speculates on the potential for book burning in the future.
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