Counterfeit Detection And Prevention Using Block-Chain Algorithms

  • Antony Vigil M S
  • Sairam Kantheti
  • Sairam Kantheti
  • Ganesh Balaji
  • Galla Prasith
Keywords: Inter Planetary File System (IPFS), Blockchain, Counterfeit Products, Supply Chains, Authenticity Verification, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Product Ownership, Ownership Tracking


The prevalence of counterfeit products in today's supply chains makes it requires to implement a application that allows end users to verify the authenticity of the products they purchase. This proposed system manages product ownership using the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS), which operates on a distributed web. By leveraging IPFS, the system ensures efficient distribution of large volumes of data, avoiding duplication. Like blockchain, IPFS can securely manage data by allowing users to address vast amounts of data and store immutable, permanent within a block chain transaction. This process timestamps and secures content without any intrusions with help of solidity and hash algorithms security of applications will be conducted with decentralized network no entity will be in control of data centers with highly sophisticated sha -256 algorithm 16 characters unique code will be generated for blocks each block hash code will contained in the next block to access independent block is impossible This proposed system utilizes the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS) to manage product ownership on a distributed web. By leveraging IPFS, it ensures efficient distribution of large data volumes, preventing duplication. Similar to blockchain, IPFS securely manages data by enabling users to address and store vast amounts of data immutably and permanently within a blockchain transaction. 

Author Biographies

Antony Vigil M S

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, India

Sairam Kantheti

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, India

Sairam Kantheti

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, India

Ganesh Balaji

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, India

Galla Prasith

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, India


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How to Cite
Antony Vigil M S, Sairam Kantheti, Sairam Kantheti, Ganesh Balaji, & Galla Prasith. (2024). Counterfeit Detection And Prevention Using Block-Chain Algorithms. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 1404 -1410.