Influence of Meteorological Factors on the Population Dynamics of Aulocophora foveicollis Lucas on Pumpkin Crops
Pumpkin is an important crop cultivated across Tamil Nadu, India. It is a versatile, nutrient rich vegetable, known for its medicinal properties. One of the primary obstacles faced by pumpkin cultivators is the detrimental effects of insect pest Aulocophora foveicollis Lucas (Coleoptera- Chrysomelidae) which causes damage to the crop up-to 100%. In this study, the incidence of red pumpkin beetle (A. foveicollis Lucas) from July 2023 to June 2024 is recorded and correlated with the climatic variables like temperature, relative humidity and pressure. The pest population reached peak by the second week of September, fourth week of January and second week of May with an average population of 3.68, 1.26, 3.96 beetles/ plant respectively. The infestation of red pumpkin beetle on leaves and flowers of pumpkin crops throughout the year ranged between 9.14%- 68.83% and 17.00%- 100% respectively. Correlation studies revealed that there is a significant relationship between the incidence of red pumpkin beetle and climatic variables.
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