Acquisition of language of a child brought up in an Assamese language environment
A child does not born with the knowledge of language. He / she learns the skill gradually with the age getting influence by the surrounding language environment. Mainly through language acquisition a child lerans to speak language. A child acquires the knowledge of language from the environment in which he / she lives. This process of child language acquisition occurs through various stages . The whole process goes through various stages – from an un-understandable word (cooeing) to establishing communication by forming a sentence. A child’s language acquisition largely depends upon his/her physical development and the surrounding environment. The language , which a child learns first , is called ‘first language’ and a child’s ‘first language’ is his/her mother tongue.
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Dutta Baruah Phanindra Narayan , Prayog Bhasha vigyanar ruprekha,page 34,Guwahati,Banalata,2006.