Factors Influencing Faculty Engagement in Technology and Management Institutions in Chennai
The factors which influence the faculty engagement are always diverse in nature. The feel good factor of a faculty about their effective engagement is significantly impacted by the institution’s culture, inclusivity and support. A leader can be at his best when he encourages collaboration and pay heeds to the input from the faculty. The involvement of faculty during any decision making drills can improve the commitment and garners sense of ownership thereby creating an environment of shared governance. A faculty with clear cut directions, clarity about their role in the system and limitations about the workspace can prevent them from getting frustrated and disengaged. A faculty with the liberty of accepting opportunities for self-growth and professional upgradation of skills will motivate them towards achieving more. In order to avoid stress and stay focussed at work, a faculty should maintain a comfortable work and personal life balance. To keep the faculty motivated, recognition and rewards has to be offered which may be concrete or abstract. A mutually respectable collegial environment offers healthy collaboration and support thereby enhancing the engagement. To excel in teaching and continuing research one must be provided with adequate resources and facilities. Constructive feedback will always garner the faculty’s attention towards work and also it maintains a proper communication channel. An environment where job security is not a concern until the commitment is met, make a faculty to invest more time and work effectively towards the goal. Their commitment will create a positive impact on the students which in turn drives their commitment further. When the faculty member is having adequate knowledge about the institution’s mission and values, then all efforts will focussed be in a single direction. With proper challenges and tasks assigned a faculty can always be enjoying the challenges upfront and gets stimulated towards completing it. The institutions should not hesitate on investing to improve the facilities required for research and teaching. In special cases based on individual’s needs, a flexible arrangement can be made temporarily or permanently without affecting the ethics and policies. More to it, involvement in community initiatives makes a faculty to be a better individual of all sorts. Granting decision-making autonomy empowers faculty, reinforcing their dedication. In sum, faculty engagement thrives when these intertwined factors converge to create an environment that values, supports, and recognizes their contributions. An engaged faculty in technology and management institutes shows an extraordinary commitment and connection in their work. For faculty teaching is highly commitment than that of compliance. Very particular needs to be evaluated is that the factors influence the behaviour of faculty members which drives them to ensure high commitment and involvement. This paper drives highly into analysis of many factors that engages the faculties of technology and management institutions in such a way that improves the performance of faculty therefore it also reflects upon students’ overall development.
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